Spent a great day today with We Build Eco at Kithurst Construction learning about their NIPPs! (Natural Insulated Passive Panels)

Taping up nicely!

Some really interesting talks and a chance to chat with lots of architects & builders interested in using off-site manufactured systems to build better and quicker with less waste. We even got the chance to have a go at constructing a NIPP ourselves to see just how easy they are to put together - though my taping skills could do with a bit more practice!

Was inspired by Antoine's holistic approach to sustainability, through the careful use of materials and resources. Very useful to hear some of the do’s and dont’s of working with structural timber i-joists from Beth Williams. It was also great to chat with Martin Twamley and Daniel Brown from STEICO, who was happy to dig into how their wood fibre products can be used to treat existing buildings.

A serious Humdinger!

Thanks to The Green Register for organising. Looking forward to continuing some of the great conversations we had at #Futurebuild in a couple of weeks!

#sustainability #construction #offsite